From well-side meetings to pelican strategy: A context-based strategy to combat corruption

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This article takes up the question of what strategy is to be used among different communities to eradicate corruption across borders. The debate between two legal scholars, Steven Salbu and Philip Nichols, over the viability of extraterritorial application of anti-bribery laws remains thought-provoking when we look at the effectiveness of the OECD Anti-bribery Convention or FCPA in curbing corruption. Empirical research shows that firms from countries with extraterritorial legal restrictions do not necessarily refrain themselves from paying bribes in foreign transactions. This article ties the Salbu-Nichols’ debate, ISCT, mediating institutions theory, and Pelican Gambits strategy together to structure a context based anti-corruption framework. It builds on ISCT’s authenticity and legitimacy principles to give context of the norms in order to apply various strategies to combat corruption. This article is by no means to promote elimination of laws or regulations of corruption or acquiescence of illegitimacy of corruption in international business. Instead, the framework emphasizes the importance of the interactive dynamics between a firm and its community when designing anti-corruption strategy in a global environment.
Idioma originalAmerican English
PublicaciónPace International Law Review
EstadoPublished - 2022

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