Critical Consciousness in Decision-Making: A Model for Educational Planning and Instruction With Bilingual/Multilingual Students with Disabilities

Alta Broughton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Today is a very proud day, I am excited to announce that our article "" has been published in TEACHING Exceptional Children. The practitioner journal of Council for Exceptional Children. This is the journal that connected me to the field of special education as a new teacher. It is the journal that provided me insights into supporting my students and improving my practice. However, it was also sometimes a disappointment, because I didn't gain insights into the students I worked with in a diverse, immigrant, urban community. This special issue "Intersectionality" marks an intentional shift. In the background, many scholars have advocated years to realize this change. I'm honored to be part of what will hopefully be only the beginning of recognizing the intersectionality of all exceptional children. To truly represent the diversity of students in our schools today.

I am so honored to have collaborated with amazing co-authors (Steve Pryzmus, Alba Ortiz, and my previous student Bárbara Suarez). And finally to announce that Critical Consciousness has entered the field of Special Education!
#PauloFreire #CriticalConsciousness #bilingualeducation #duallanguage #intersectionalitymatters #inclusionmatters #disabilityandbilingualtoo
Here's the link to the article. If you'd like to read it and don't have access to an institutional account. Please contact me directly.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalTEACHING Exceptional Children
StatePublished - May 18 2022

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