Personal profile


Samantha Nogueira Joyce is a Brazilian journalist and Associate Professor of Global Communication at Saint Mary’s College of California. She studies media history, theory, and criticism with concentrations in cultural studies, critical theory, Latin American and Brazilian Media and Cultural Studies. Her research covers a range of contemporary as well as historical topics in order to understand the many ways in which people’s identities are constituted by and through the media, especially television. In addition to her book Brazilian Telenovelas and the Myth of Racial Democracy her research has appeared on International Journal of CommunicationBrazilian Journalism ResearchRumoresTelevision AntiheroinesWOMEN BEHAVING BADLY IN CRIME AND PRISON DRAMA, and others.

Nogueira Joyce's latest book "Afro-Brazilian in telenovelas: Social, Political and Economic Realities (Lexington Books) came out in 2022.

You can listen to an interview about the book on the Podcast New Books Network.

Contact Information

Phone: 925-631-4464

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Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., Media Studies, University of Iowa

… → 2010

M.A., San Francisco State University

… → 2006

B.A., Mass Communication / Journalism, Universidade Federal Fluminense

… → 2001


  • Communication