Personal profile


Research, Scholarly, Creative Interests:

While on sabbatical ('07-'08), Professor Sensi-Isolani  is completing research on the role played by Italian immigrants and their descendents in the development of the Sonoma wine industry.

This research is a follow up of the exhbit she curated : "Planting Roots, Reaping the Harvest: The Contribution of Italian Immigrants and their Descendents to the Napa and Sonoma Wine Industry."

Professor Sensi Isolani is interested in various cultural aspects that can be broadly defined as forming part of Italian ethnic identity.

Her work on Italian Americans has focused on Italian American radicalism in the west with special emphasis on anarchists and IWW activists.

Professor Sensi Isolani is conducting research for an exhbit tentitled: "BeforeSlow Food: Italian immigrants, sustainable agriculture and the pleasures of the table."

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Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D. Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of California - Berkeley

… → 1977

M.A. Anthropology, University of California - Berkeley

… → 1973

M.A. English, University of Southern California

… → 1961

B.A. English, University of Redlands

… → 1960


  • Anthropology