Personal profile


He currently is an active member of the North American Society for Sport Management, the Sport and Recreation Law Association, and the Sport Marketing Association. He has written articles for a variety of publications including Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sport Management, Journal of the Legal Aspects of Sport and The Sport Business Journal. He was an assistant coach with the University of San Francisco's Women's Basketball team from 1994-1997.
He is a full-time faculty member at the University of Southern Carolina and joins the Graduate Kinesiology program in the summer. 

Contact Information

Office: St. Joseph Hall - 104
Phone: 631-4377
Mail: P.O. Box 4500

Related documents

Education/Academic qualification

EdD, University of Northern Colorado

MA, Saint Mary's College of California

BA, University of San Francisco

External positions

Assistant Coach, Women's Basketball Team, University of San Francisco

Jan 1 1994Jan 1 1997

Associate Professor, Sport and Entertainment Management Department, University of South Carolina


  • Kinesiology