Personal profile


Ahmed Khater was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a B.A. in legal studies, and attained a second B.A. from Al-Azhar University in Islamic sciences and Arabic language. He received an M.A. from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley with a specialization in Islamic law and legal theory, and a Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union specializing in Islamic law and legal theory. He has received ijazat (licenses) in various Islamic sciences, including ones to teach and narrate the Hanbali school of law. He is a lecturer of Islamic studies at the Graduate Theological Union, Saint Mary’s College (adjunct assistant professor), Islamic University of Minnesota, and was a lecturer of Arabic language at the University of California, Berkeley. He teaches and designs curriculum at Mishkah University, and he previously worked with Al-Azhar University’s Department of Islamic Studies in English to edit books and articles for the scholars of Al-Azhar. He works with the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America answering legal questions for their fatwa (legal edict) chat/hotline services, and as an Islamic law consultant, Resident Fatwa Committee secretary, and translator/editor. He also teaches the traditional Islamic sciences at Zidni Institute.

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