Personal profile


I have been a Lecturer and Adjunct Associate Professor on campus since 1992, teaching Collegiate Seminar, Jan Term, and developing writing curriculum. I also teach literature and writing courses for the University of California, Berkeley Fall Program for Freshmen. In addition to my teaching, I am a psychoanalytic literary scholar as well as a licensed psychotherapist (MFT), specializing in the conscious dilemmas and unconscious conflicts of writers.

Active Research Projects:

“Clinical Writing and Publishing: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Writers at Work.”

(Investigates how productive writers enable themselves to begin, sustain, and complete writing projects. Explores the conscious and unconscious dimensions of establishing an authoritative voice. I am also examining the psychological dimensions of the writer-reader, student-teacher, author-editor relationship).

I also run writing groups for clinicians as well as reading groups for clinicians seeking to learn from model authors in their field.

Contact Information

Office: Sichel Hall - 104 A
Phone: (510) 526-6762

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Education/Academic qualification

MA Clinical Psychology, John F Kennedy University

BA English, Northwestern University

PhD English, University of California - Berkeley


  • Liberal Studies