Personal profile


Elena Songster's research focuses on the environmental history of modern China. She is currently researching medicinals found in nature through an historical lens. 

Her first book, Panda Nation: The Construction and Conservation of China's Modern Icon with Oxford University Press will be released in March 2018.

Other research projects include the history of snow leopard conservation and forestry history. 

Elena Songster teaches classes on Chinese History, Japanese History, Asian History, and World History. She has also taught in the Collegiate Seminar Program, and JanTerm and serves on the Advisory Board for the Global and Regional Studies Program. 

I am currently engaged in research on an historical study of medicinal plants and animals and the relationship between medicinal trade and China’s environment. 

Contact Information

Office: Galileo 313
Phone: (925) 631-6279

Related documents

Education/Academic qualification

BA, History and Asian Studies, University of California - Berkeley

PhD, History, University of San Diego

MA, History, University of San Diego

External positions

Kiriyama Research Fellowship, University of San Francisco

Jan 1 2009Jan 1 2010

Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma

Jan 1 2004Jan 1 2009

Fulbright Fellowship for International Dissertation Research, The Fulbright Program

Jan 1 2001


  • History