Projects per year
- 50 - 100 out of 173 results
Search results
Supplies and expenses associated with editing book Invasive Plants of California’s Wildlands
Bossard, C. C. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/99 → 1/1/99
Project: Research project
Supplies and expenses associated with editing book Invasive Plants of California’s Wildlands
Bossard, C. C. (PI)
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1/1/99 → 1/1/99
Project: Research project
Faculty Development Grant
Vu, H. J. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/00 → 1/1/00
Project: Research project
California State Grant for developing a blended program
Porter, K. F. (PI)
1/1/00 → 1/1/00
Project: Research project
U.C. Davis Blockgrant Fellowship
Thomas, S. (PI)
University of California Davis
1/1/00 → 1/1/01
Project: Research project
Math Plus. King, Chavez, Parks Initiative Select Student Support Services Grant
Sosa, G. A. (PI)
Oakland University, Michigan Department of Career Development
1/1/00 → 1/1/02
Project: Research project
Travel Grants
Edwards, L. D. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/00 → 1/1/17
Project: Research project
Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline
Martinelli, P. (PI)
American Sociological Association
1/1/00 → …
Project: Research project
NEH Grant
Longo, P. (PI)
National Endowment for the Humanities
1/1/01 → 1/1/01
Project: Research project
Fellowship for International Dissertation Research
Songster, E. E. (PI)
1/1/01 → 1/1/01
Project: Research project
Lasallian Scholar Grant
Marston, S. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/01 → 1/1/01
Project: Research project
Faculty Development Grant
Vu, H. J. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/01 → 1/1/01
Project: Research project
Major American Utopias Grant
Guarneri, C. (PI)
NEH Summer Seminar for School Teachers
1/1/01 → 1/1/01
Project: Research project
Departmental Initiative Grant
Edwards, L. D. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/01 → …
Project: Research project
The Uncommon Legacy Scholarship
Thomas, S. (PI)
The Uncommon Legacy Scholarship
1/1/01 → …
Project: Research project
LaSallian Scholar Grant
Edwards, L. D. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/01 → …
Project: Research project
Faculty Development Grant
Vu, H. J. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/02 → 1/1/02
Project: Research project
Students First King, Chavez, Parks Initiative Select Student Support Services Grant
Sosa, G. A. (PI)
Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, Oakland University
1/1/02 → 1/1/06
Project: Research project
Faculty Development Grant
Vu, H. J. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/03 → 1/1/03
Project: Research project
Alumni -Faculty Grant
Dopfel, C. G. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/03 → …
Project: Research project
Individual Teacher Technology
Maguire, J. (PI)
Contra Costa County Office of Education
1/1/03 → …
Project: Research project
Mathematics Through Technology
Maguire, J. (PI)
Educational Foundation of Orinda (EFO)
1/1/03 → …
Project: Research project
Dunbar S. Ogden Award for Theater Research
Casey, C. G. (PI)
University of California, Berkeley
1/1/04 → 1/1/04
Project: Research project
Alumni Faculty Fellowship Grant
Vu, H. J. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/04 → 1/1/04
Project: Research project
Travel Grant - Madrid's Biblioteca Nacional
Bird, D. W. (PI)
Program for Cultural Cooperation Between Spain's Ministry of Culture and United States Universities
1/1/04 → …
Project: Research project
Technology FCAT Grant
Marston, S. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/05 → 1/1/05
Project: Research project
Rethinking America in Global Perspective Grant
Guarneri, C. (PI)
NEH Institute for College and University Teachers
1/1/05 → 1/1/05
Project: Research project
Sally Casanova California Pre Doctoral Scholar
Palmer II, B. E. F. (PI)
1/1/05 → 1/1/06
Project: Research project
Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education
Pigza, J. (PI)
(FIPSE)/Bonner Foundation, Civic Engagement Initiative
1/1/05 → 1/1/07
Project: Research project
Lecturer Grant
Guarneri, C. (PI)
Turkey - U.S. Department of State
1/1/06 → 1/1/06
Project: Research project
Learn-and-Serve Grant
Longo, P. (PI)
Princeton University/Bonner Foundation
1/1/06 → 1/1/09
Project: Research project
Community-Based Research Grant
Pigza, J. (PI)
Princeton University/Bonner Foundation
1/1/06 → 1/1/09
Project: Research project
Faculty Development Grant
Vu, H. J. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/07 → 1/1/07
Project: Research project
Society of Dance History Scholars Travel Grant
Casey, C. G. (PI)
Society of Dance History Scholars
1/1/07 → 1/1/07
Project: Research project
Dr. James E. Walker Presidential Fellowship
Palmer II, B. E. F. (PI)
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
1/1/07 → 1/1/08
Project: Research project
Core Commitments Project
Pigza, J. (PI)
Association of American Colleges & Universities
1/1/07 → 1/1/10
Project: Research project
Princess Grace Award
Jakaitis, J. (PI)
San Francisco State University
1/1/08 → 1/1/08
Project: Research project
Rethinking America in Global Perspective Grant
Guarneri, C. (PI)
NEH Institute for College and University Teachers
1/1/08 → 1/1/08
Project: Research project
Leo Diner Memorial Scholarship
Jakaitis, J. (PI)
San Francisco State University
1/1/08 → 1/1/08
Project: Research project
Faculty Development Grant
Vu, H. J. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/08 → 1/1/08
Project: Research project
Faculty Development Grant
Vu, H. J. (PI)
Saint Mary's College of California
1/1/09 → 1/1/09
Project: Research project